With an understanding of the Five Schools of Mathematics, the Church of Mathematics recognizes the framework for Morality originates from the sacred nature of existence. We should not seek morality from outside organizations, but instead from within, using Mathematics as a tool to help guide our understanding of right and wrong.
“The problem, often not discovered until late in life, is that when you look for things in life like love, meaning, motivation, it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock. The most successful people in life recognize, that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation. For me, I am driven by two main philosophies. Know more today about the world than I knew yesterday. And lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.” ~Neil DeGrass Tyson
The universe could have been a blank Cartesian Coordinate System, but instead we exist on an n-dimensional manifold. While we do not know or understand the axioms of the universe, we understand that there is something inherently sacred about the fact that there is something instead of nothing.
Life is but a characteristic of matter, which is but a subset of existence. And yet… everything we have ever known, everything we have ever experienced, is because of life. There is something sacred to the existence of life, and we should work to protect the diversity and propagation of all species.
Human life is but a special classification of life, and as such is sacred as well. All humans should be treated with respect and should be treated equitably. It is important to remember that our universe is proof that if you take the Cartesian Coordinate System and twist it just right, you can create love.
You think therefore you are. You are alive, a very rare thing when you consider the volume of the extended universe. Moreover, you are unique, not only from the combinatorics involved in creating you but from the sum total of all of your experiences. Your life is Sacred.
A rich education filled with cultural experiences and shared meals is the key to leading a moral and good life. From mathematics we know that if you only examine a small subset of the whole, you will never truly understand the entire set.
Any organization, be it a business, school, religion, or government, should work to support these values. Any organization which works against these values should be questioned.
Defacing Natural Structures is Immoral.
Every stone has travelled for billions of years to be in a particular location, and it is not our place to disturb it on its natural journey through the cosmos. While resources must be used to survive, we should work to minimize our impact on the natural environment.
Killing Animals for Fun is Immoral.
Hunting for food is one thing, but hunting for sport is something else entirely. Each animal is deserving of a right to live, an opportunity to explore this mathematically defined universe, and it is unquestionably immoral to remove that right for fun.
The Vegan Dilemma: Humans are Omnivores, Life is a Cycle of Carbon.
While life is sacred, life requires the taking of life to continue. While some may choose to consume only plant-life, plant-life is just as deserving of an opportunity to live as animal life. Life is but a cycle of carbon, and as living beings we are but a part of that cycle.
Causing Pollution which leads to Environmental Decline is Immoral.
Humans should encourage species growth and development, and pollution which leads to death or extinction is a cardinal sin.
All People are Deserving of Fair and Equal Treatment
It is Always Okay to Punch a Nazi.
If an individual wishes to remove the rights of another based on one of the above characteristics, it is always okay to stand up to protect another.
You are Deserving of Basic Human Rights and Respects.
As a human, you are deserving of basic human rights. The United Nations has developed a list of such basic human rights, presented here in abbreviated form:
Right to Equality; Freedom from Discrimination; Right to Life, Liberty, Personal Security; Freedom from Slavery; Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment; Right to Recognition as a Person before the Law; Right to Equality before the Law; Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal; Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and Exile; Right to Fair Public Hearing; Right to be Considered Innocent until Proven Guilty; Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence; Right to Free Movement in and out of the Country; Right to Asylum in other Countries from Persecution; Right to a Nationality and the Freedom to Change It; Right to Marriage and Family; Right to Own Property; Freedom of Belief and Religion; Freedom of Opinion and Information; Right of Peaceful Assembly and Association; Right to Participate in Government and in Free Elections; Right to Social Security; Right to Desirable Work and to Join Trade Unions; Right to Rest and Leisure; Right to Adequate Living Standard; Right to Education; Right to Participate in the Cultural Life of Community; Right to a Social Order that Articulates this Document; Community Duties Essential to Free and Full Development; Freedom from State or Personal Interference in the above Rights.
It’s not the Golden Rule, but instead the Platinum Rule.
From an algebra perspective, we must remember that every element of a group has its own unique properties. In groups of people, it is much the same; each person has their own needs and desires. As such, work to support individuals in the ways they need support, rather than simply supporting them the way that you wish to be supported. Always help and support your fellow humans.
The Dilemma of Women’s Right to Choose vs. a Fetus’s Right to Live.
It is a controversial topic for a reason; all women should be allowed to live their life as they see fit, but at what point is that infringing on the rights of a fetus to life? There are many mathematically supported arguments, but ultimately decisions of fertility should be left between a woman and her doctor.
Violence, Theft, and Murder.
The taking of a human life is one of the greatest tragedies. No individual has the right to hurt you or shorten your life in any way (even through second hand smoke). No individual has the right to take that which you have earned from you. No individual has the right to cause you physical harm. As such, War is the greatest evil that can befall humankind.
Family of Choice.
Individuals should not be forced to stay with or support abusive family members, and instead should be allowed to find their own family of choice; a group of individuals who will support and love them for who they are.
Be Honest with Yourself and Others.
The truth is the most sacred thing to a mathematician, and hiding the truth, misleading individuals, or otherwise preventing the pursuit of truth is unacceptable. It is important to be honest with yourself as well, even if sometimes the truth hurts.
Bodily Autonomy.
You should be allowed to wear whatever you wish to wear and be allowed rights over your body and physical space. No individual should be allowed to invade your personal space or harass you in any way.
Life is Short: You should be allowed to explore the World Freely
Humans only have approximately 2.5 billion seconds of life, and there is an infinite universe to see. Each person should be allowed the opportunity to explore as much as they can in what little time they have.
The Brain is the most Important Organ: Avoid Drugs.
The human brain is what makes a person a person, and any actions done to hinder the brains functions only seeks to take away from personal growth and development. As such, limit your consumption of mind-altering drugs, including caffeine, alcohol, and marijuana.
Democratic Socialism.
The role of a government should be to support and protect its people, and it should be run by the people themselves. As a democracy requires an educated populace, all individuals are deserving of a high quality education rich in the sciences, humanities, and cultures of all people. The government should also include a living wage and state-provided healthcare, as all people are deserving of a right to live.
For-Profit Institutions are Inherently Corrupt.
Any institution which seeks to make a profit is working to take resources from the population. Any business which has a mission of making money rather than supporting the community should be challenged.
Judicial Systems and Prisons which seek Punishment are Corrupt.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Instead of making prisoners serve time or seek punishment, judicial systems should work to rehabilitate and get to the root of the problems to better support the population.
Guns should be Heavily Restricted and Regulated.
There are two types of guns. Those that are designed to kill people (such as handguns) and those which are able to kill people. It is important to remember that guns are tools, but they are tools which are more dangerous than any automobile and should be restricted and regulated at least to that level.
Religion should never be forced upon anyone.
Not only should individuals not force you into their belief system, but governments should not have that right either. There should be a clear separation of church and state. This includes mentioning of God on currency, in pledges of allegiance, and in the science classroom. Moreover, organizations which use finding God as a form of rehabilitation (such as 12 step programs) should not be tolerated.
The 40 Hour Work Week.
Nobody should be forced to spend Five-Sevenths of their adult life working. It is criminal.
Greed is Evil.
Unbridled Capitalism and gross wealth inequality leads to great social inequity, and those who wish to line their own pockets are responsible for all of the pain and suffering of the world. We all die in the end; why would you focus on yourself when you could help others? Seek charity over selfishness.
Those who Empower the Corrupt are themselves Corrupt.
People in power must be held accountable for their actions; if not, we give rise towards fascism. Those who protect and empower the corrupt are just as guilty as the corrupt themselves.
The world is a much bigger place than we know, but in working together and supporting one another we can make this planet the best it can be for all peoples.